Beat the Monday Blues

Does it get to Sunday night and the thought of Monday fills you with worry?

Do you wake up on a Monday feeling tired and unmotivated?

You might have the Monday Blues!

Many people who aren’t happy in their current work situation occur the Monday Blues. This might not be just a one-off feeling and could be a sign that you need to change something, you should be excited and not dreading going into work.

We spend most of our lives at work and we should be spending it doing something we love, something we are passionate about! You might feel over worked, underappreciated and this isn’t going to boost morale for starting another workweek. The Monday Blues can have a negative impact on your work performance and overall productivity as well as people around you.

We have some useful tips to beat or avoid the Monday Blues:

What is the issue?
Ask yourself what’s wrong, are you unhappy at work? Do you feel undervalued and unrewarded for all your hard work? Pinpointing the big issue will help you to find solutions or ideas with how you can improve the situation. If its just an occasional Monday you feel blue think of ways to cheer yourself up
Finish the previous week first
Do you find yourself trying to catch up with work left over from Friday first thing on a Monday? This can be rather daunting if you’ve put it down on Friday knowing you haven’t completed it, try to get all the nasty bits out of the way on Friday and leave it easy to pick up. The sooner you get the worst bits out the way you’ll feel better
What are you excited about?
Try to come up with a list of at least 3 positive things for the week ahead, if you cannot then you need to make some changes
Leave it in the office
Over the weekend try not to monitor or check your work emails. Don’t be tempted to look at what might be waiting for you when you return on a Monday morning, this will distract you from your free time and only make you think about work when you don’t need to, it can wait!
Get some rest!
Go to bed at a reasonable time on a Sunday night to ensure you get enough sleep so you feel well and rested and raring to go on a Monday morning. Try having a healthy breakfast to start the day too
Walk it like you talk it
Get up and get dressed in clothes that you feel good in, dress for success! If you feel frumpy or uncomfortable you won’t feel good about yourself let alone want to stride into the office and kick Mondays butt!
Think positive!
Start the day with positive thoughts – ‘I can do this, I can take on Monday’, drive to work with some music on and have a sing song
Don’t busy yourself
Try not to book meetings for a Monday, keep it simple, don’t make too many plans after work either, use Monday evening to go home and relax, catch up on the soaps and put the day behind you!

If you do find yourself having the Monday Blues on a regular basis, come in and see us, think about other career opportunities and make a change