Preparing for the Big Interview Day

1. Check out the Company Website

Don’t fall at the first hurdle of getting your dream job you want because you haven’t prepared enough. Take a little time out to check out the company website – for example the company may have recently held an interesting event that you can drop into conversation and ask more about.

Doing research will give you a better idea what the company does and also give you a feel of the company culture, so you can think of some relevant questions to ask at the interview.

2. Google the Company

Don’t limit your research to just the company’s website. Perhaps read what the local or trade media has to say about them. For example the company might have recently won an award or been building their business in a new area. The more you know about the company the better your interview will go. It will help to give you the edge over other candidates and make you stand out as somebody with a keen interest in the company.

3. Write a List of Questions /Think of examples to illustrate previous experience

Think like the interviewer – if you were recruiting for the role, what would you ask? You don’t want to appear too rehearsed, but planning ahead can help you avoid having ‘interview shock’ on the day and freezing up.

It’s worth thinking of a few examples of your previous experience – these can be success stories or how you personally overcame a challenge at work. A little preparation will help you feel less nervous on the day too.

4. Double Check the Interview Location

You’d be surprised how many people get lost on the way to an interview or assume it’s taking place at one office when it might be taking place at another!

We know Google and other Online Maps tend to work most of the time, but it’s far better to have a back-up in case the 4G goes down on your phone on the day of the interview.

Consider making a dummy-run to the location the day or in the week before, to ensure you will find it and be on time on the day. Make sure you have a phone number of the company to call if you get lost or are being delayed. You might think it’ll make a bad impression ringing but it’s much worse turning up late.

5. Avoid Rushing

Whether you are using public transport or driving to the interview, it’s almost inevitable you’ll get held up at some point, so leave plenty of time. Expect the unexpected and you’ll be there with time to spare.

6. Look presentable

Even if your prospective job means you will be able wear casual clothes, you need to make the right impression at your interview. You may have heard that many interviewers make their decision to employ someone within the first 90 seconds of the interview. Plus the majority say what a candidate wears can be a deciding factor if it’s neck to neck on other factors versus another candidate. A&S will be able to guide on what outfit will be most appropriate – however as a thumb rule, better to overdress than underdress and keep the hoodies and flip-flops at home for the day of the interview. Also make sure you polish your shoes or boots and clothes are ironed.