Top tips on the day of the interview

Make a good first impression

When you meet your interviewer, remember to shake their hand firmly (but not to the point of crushing fingers!), smile and have good eye contact – although don’t eyeball or stare either!

Have the right attitude and remember you’re not owed the job!

Having the ability and right skill-set means you are more than half way there to getting the role. However, beware of appearing too laid back or arrogant during the interview as if you are owed the job –it’s a competitive marketplace and you need to show you have the right attitude of being keen and quietly confident.

Be prepared to answer more left-field questions and ones which show your personality

Employers are not just interested about your technical expertise but your personality too. Along with obvious questions about previous experience, you could be asked a few ‘left field’ questions to find how you think outside the box and to get to know you as a person. Depending on the type of job, you might be asked ‘Sell me this pen’. Other questions could be ‘what is your greatest weakness or tell me about a difficult work challenge in the past and how you overcame this?’, “What would your boss and or best friend say about you?’, ‘what is your proudest achievement in life to date and why?’

Not all interviews will be run of the mill and believe or not we’ve heard of questions such as ‘did you dream last night?’, ‘tell me something no-one knows about you’ and even ‘sing me a song’! This doesn’t mean to say they are looking for the next Dua Lipa or the details about your dream but keen to see how you respond.

Dealing with awkward questions

Should you find yourself being asked awkward or even inappropriate questions do not be afraid to say calmly that you do not feel this is an appropriate question. Taking control in a collected manner indicates to an employer how you are likely handle a situation should you find yourself in a difficult position in the workplace.

Show your keenness by asking questions too

Remember an interview is a chance for your to check out a potential employer and the job as much as they are getting to know you. Some suggestion questions to ask could include:

  • How do you measure and review performance?
  • What are the opportunities for promotion/training?
  • How would you describe the culture of the company here?
  • What do you like most about working here?
  • What are the company’s plans for the future?
  • Why has this particular role become available?
  • How long do staff tend to remain in your company?

Don’t worry – let us know ahead of the interview how A&S can help you

As always the A&S team is here to help you. Remember we want you to feel as prepared and confident when you go for your interview. It’s far better to let us know about any worries or concerns ahead of the interview, so you stand the best chance of being successful on the day.

Good Luck!