What Makes A Company Good To Work For In 2020?

Ideally we’d all say a great salary and short working hours but in reality there are many reasons a company will be a fantastic place to work.

1. Flexible Working

As many as 80% of candidates said they would turn down a job that did not offer flexible working, according to International Workplace Group (IWG). They also state that 50% of employees are working outside of their main office for as much as 2.5 days per week and 85% agreed that productivity increased from allowing flexible working.

Flexible working is now considered essential rather than a perk of the job. The features of flexible working will be different for everyone but may include hours and working remotely.

2. Personal Development

It’s important that you feel a valued member of the team and company and that they are able to provide, where possible, on-going development, progression and training. When you feel you are valued and you are contributing to the success of the company motivation remains high. It might be that a company provides industry training, courses and certification. Or it might be a fast track to management, whatever it is keeping employees keen and appreciated will certainly lead to better productivity.

3. Benefits

Benefits come in many different guises, perhaps you have a remuneration bonus or ability to earn extra holidays. Company benefits don’t always need to be expensive to give you a boost and feel appreciated in your job. Some of the most common benefits include,

  • Annual /Target Led Bonuses
  • Lunches/Evenings Out
  • Additional Holidays
  • Health Insurance
  • Childcare Resources
  • Increased Pension Contributions
  • Gifts and Rewards

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